For 115 years, SpringDot® has helped our customers produce the finest in POP displays, direct mail, annual reports, product brochures, catalogs, inserts and more.
Here is how the process works:
This is where every job begins. Once we’ve assigned an electronic job ticket to your project, it quickly moves to pre-flight where file integrity is inspected and any existing problems are addressed.
Pre-press is where scanning, retouching, page assembly and proofing occurs before the job goes to press. Apogee, a page-based workflow solution that implements the full Adobe PDF workflow, automates the entire pre-press process and gives operators more control over output options.
Our Epson contract color proofs are profiled to match our press characteristics. Calibrated to the platemaker and the individual presses, this system enables us to match what’s on press to what’s on the proof.
Plates are made quickly and accurately with rush work and last minute changes handled without delay. SpringDot® maintains two platesetters so a machine breakdown will not interrupt production. All plates are first generation. The digital file is ripped and exposed directly to the plate material giving us more control over dot gain and the ability to consistently print sharper, higher quality images. All Plates are given a multi-step quality control to assure accuracy. Once jobs have been plated, they are archived and cataloged for easy retrieval.
Part of the SpringDot® workflow is managing digital assets. This is done with an automated, archival system that holds terabytes of data and stores all active jobs. For security, these are offloaded to DVDs and stored in a different location. Having all this digital information at your fingertips makes re-purposing an easy task.
SpringDot®'s pressroom is based on printing from Kormori presses that enable one to six colors plus aqueous coating. Experience plus technology allows SpringDot to be flexible enough to maximize output. Whether it is gauged on quality sheets delivered to the bindery or number of runs per hour on versioned push deployments – we deliver.
